Montag, 2. Februar 2009

A day in the life...

So I figure I'll make this blog more of an what I do everyday kinda thing. My life here is not really what you would call exiting, I mean, given the situtation not too exiting. I usualy get up between 9 and 10 in the morning. If you get up before then there is nobody alive in the house so why bother :D Breakfeast, for me, is usualy a bowl of cheerios and some bread with a cup of tea. This is the first time during the day when I have to try and speak Spanish, and it usualy fails.
Then there is a break till lunch which is between 2 and 3 in the afternoon. Depending on what we have planned for the day Mandy and I head into town, or just lounge around doing various other activities (ie internent and tv) Lunch is great here. I mean all the food is great here because I really don't have to do anything, not even dishes. I'm being incredibaly spoiled ;) So lunch.... lunch is healthy. It's been really long time since I ate as healthy as I have here. There is always a salad plate before the main course, usualy with onions and tomatos and some other veggie. Then there's the main course, which is a lot like what I know. Potatos or noodles or something like that. Then for desert it's fresh fruit or something like that. Lunch is another one of those great times for me to practice my Spanish.
After another one of those breaks it's time for dinner, at 9 or 10 or even 11. I still haven't quite goten used to that. The other night we got back at 11 and had hotdogs for dinner. So I guess that life here is just a few hours off from Germany. During dinner we don't really say much because usualy the tv is on in the kitchen and we are watching something with the little girl. Currious George in spanish is quite something.
So that's basicaly what a day in my life looks like. There are of course exceptions but nothing really major. We did do a few interesting things over the weekend though. On Saturday night we went to a clasical music concert. That was fun. No really, it was...although for every min of music I think we sat around for 2 doing nothing. But it took place in this really large outdoor theater place. Kinda looked like those from ancient Greece...except not ancient or from Greece, but I think you get the picture.
Yesterday we went to a derby. That's one of those places where horses run around and people loose all their money betting on the wrong horse. Aperently the track here in Vina is the second oldest in the world, or maybe in South I said, my Spanish isn't that good yet. But it was fun to go there. We saw two races and spent most of the time just walking around looking at things. I didn't bet anything, since I know at least a few of you are thinking that. I did get this paper where all the info was writen down on, but I couldn't understand half of what it said.
So yea, that's really all from me again. I am starting to enjoy life here more and more. All that stands in the way now is the Spanish, which is slowly getting better. Untill you here from me again...

p.s. That's the little girl I hang out with (no not Mandy, the other little girl)

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